A worthwhile moment in Yogyakarta

There is nothing quite like travelling to see new places for the first time or re-visiting a favourite one. One of my favourite places that I hold dear to my heart is Yogyakarta; the soul of Indonesia. Known for its intellectual and artistic heritage, Yogyajakarta, in my opinion, is where Indonesia's cultural art and traditions are captured at it's purest form.

Prambanan temples at sunset
 Despite Indonesia being largely an Islamic community, I found that the community of Yogyajakarta welcomes and respects all kinds of religions, with the Prambanan temples being an ancient artifact that remains the finest examples of Hindu temple architecture in Java. This taste of diverse culture can also be shown through the famous Ramayana ballet production, perfected by dozens of dancers and musicians to create an explosive re-tell of a famous Hindu poem; the story of Ramayana.

Ballet performers at the Ramayana performance.
I still remember the explosive bursts of colours and music that broke out onto the streets of the small island, it was a life-changing experience that probably remains the sole reason on why I pursue to travel constantly to the small island. The smiles and sounds of laughter from children on the street without a care in the world, made me feel like I was receiving the world's warmest hug by the world's friendliest people. I highly suggest making a trip to this destination, as it was both heart warming and an eye-opening experience to what this world truly has to offer once you overcome the different
 barriers of multiculturalism.

- katherina

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