Trip to Bangkok


Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. It is famous for tourism. Bangkok has huge shopping malls, great and varieties of food and many tourist attractions. Last time I visited Bangkok was in the summer of 2018. I visited the place with my cousins, and it was a trip of a lifetime. It was a three days trip, it just takes about two hours to reach to Bangkok from Dhaka, from where I started the trip. The first day we landed at 12 pm. We checked in to our hotel rooms and rested the entire day. At night we ate traditional Thai food and shopped from the night markets. The shops had unique dresses and shoes at very inexpensive prices.
So, the next day, we all went to Safari Park. It is a zoo; however, the interesting part is that the animals were not caged, but we were in the bus looking around. Then we also saw an aquarium filled with sea creatures. That was the first time ever when I saw a shark and a polar bear. The visit to the zoo took up our entire day.
So, finally on the third day, we went to a big shopping mall and bought souvenirs. Later that day, after shopping we went to the Temple of the Emerald. It is known to be the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand. It was beautiful. Then at night, at around 10 pm, we flew back to Dhaka.



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