
Showing posts from April, 2020

Trip to Bangkok

                                                                   Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. It is famous for tourism. Bangkok has huge shopping malls, great and varieties of food and many tourist attractions. Last time I visited Bangkok was in the summer of 2018. I visited the place with my cousins, and it was a trip of a lifetime. It was a three days trip, it just takes about two hours to reach to Bangkok from Dhaka, from where I started the trip. The first day we landed at 12 pm. We checked in to our hotel rooms and rested the entire day. At night we ate traditional Thai food and shopped from the night markets. The shops had unique dresses and shoes at very inexpensive prices. So, the next day, we all went to Safari Park. It is a zoo; however, the interesting part is that the animals were not caged, but we were in the bus looking around. Then we also saw an aquarium filled with sea creatures. That was the first time ever when I saw a shark and a polar bear. The vis

My Trip to Japan - Harajuku

Takeshita Street For my first blog post, I would like to take you guys on a trip to Japan, specifically one of my most favourite place, Harajuku. Harajuku is known for their adolescent culture in fashion, technology and activities. It has gained a reputation for showcasing 'cute' items in its most busy street of Takeshita street. The streets are filled with individuals shopping for second-hand clothes at thrifts stores for their next Instagram-worthy photo shoot. It was quite interesting to see Harajuku's street fashion of colourful and unique dresses and over the top accessories. I love that this trend allowed individuals to express themselves through fashion and colour.        HARRY Hedgehog Cafe One of the most interesting stores that I visited was called the 'HARRY Hedgehog Cafe'. It's a cafe that allows customers to not only drink and eat but play with their adorable hedgehogs in store. They had given me gloves so I won't be pricked

A journey on the tropical island of Mauritius

A journey on the tropical island of Mauritius Today, I will take you through my journey on the island of Mauritius. Known as the ‘Paradise island’, Mauritius is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with its exquisite beaches, magnificent mountains, sugarcane fields, historical sites and communities of people rich with traditions. It is truly a great escape from the tedious routines of our lives.  The island’s attractive beaches and tropical climate is complemented by a multi-ethnic and cultural population that is friendly and welcoming which made my trip much more enjoyable. I went trekking in the rainforests followed by a visit to the nature reserves where you can spot some of the native endangered species which was quite an amazing adventure. There are also a great range of sea activities such as scuba diving, snorkelling and kite surfing - an experience I encourage you all to try. I was also fascinated by the local culture and variety of colourful re

A worthwhile moment in Yogyakarta

There is nothing quite like travelling to see new places for the first time or re-visiting a favourite one. One of my favourite places that I hold dear to my heart is Yogyakarta; the soul of Indonesia. Known for its intellectual and artistic heritage, Yogyajakarta, in my opinion, is where Indonesia's cultural art and traditions are captured at it's purest form. Prambanan temples at sunset  Despite Indonesia being largely an Islamic community, I found that the community of Yogyajakarta welcomes and respects all kinds of religions, with the Prambanan temples being an ancient artifact that remains the finest examples of Hindu temple architecture in Java. This taste of diverse culture can also be shown through the famous Ramayana ballet production, perfected by dozens of dancers and musicians to create an explosive re-tell of a famous Hindu poem; the story of Ramayana. Ballet performers at the Ramayana performance. I still remember the explosive bursts of colours and

Visit to Pattaya.

Travelling to one’s favorite destination could be very relaxing and soothing after long and busy weeks. I had traveled to Pattaya in Thailand after I was done with my 10 th board exam. It has extravagant beaches. I got to know about their culture. Majority of the people of Thailand practices Buddhism so there are beautiful temples there. The one I visited was ‘Sanctuary of Truth’. It is a temple carved out of wood. The food there is also very tasty and unique. I love seafood and they have varieties of seafood. Another attraction is the floating market. Boat rides and Thai cultural events are done there so there is a lot to learn and enjoy. That is the place where I bought souvenirs for friends and family. I have traveled to a few beaches but the beaches of Pattaya mesmerized me the most. I would definitely visit travel there again. Raisa.


Hey, welcome to our first blog post! We are a group of 5 Macquarie students that love to travel and share our experiences with the rest of the world. Our group consist of Anuj, Arvind, Katherina, Raisa and Angelia who will keep you guys in the loop of destinations essentials throughout the following weeks. Here is some information about the authors of the blog: Anuj: "I'm Anuj, I don't travel much, but when I do, I enjoy it very much." Katherina: "Hi I’m kat! The things that excites me the most about travelling are the destination foods, culture and it’s people." Arvind: "I'm Arvind and I enjoy travelling because I love to discover the different cultural traditions and foods of societies around the world." Raisa: "I’m Raisa and I love travelling. It gives me an opportunity to see and experience new things. I haven’t travelled much but I really look forward to travelling to new places and explore." Angelia: "Hey, I